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Economic growth slows down and inflation to consumer purchasing power, consumption behavior and confidence will have a negative impact.But in addition to prices rose too quickly, in 1994, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased substantially faster than the actual GDP, it can display a certain defensive.We think that the next period in our social ghd hair straighteners uk the growth rate of total retail sales of consumer goods with GDP growth and slow down, but still able to reflect than GDP growth.

But on the other hand, according to our research in 2009 the macro is not the judgment, the downward adjustment of the economic cycle time will grow in market expectations, GHD Scarlet Collection performance of listed companies growth will fall and generally appear differentiation.Not doing this thought preparation of profit forecast may optimistic estimates of the listed company earnings performance.We request investors focused on the rate of growth of overall retail industry may further down.

Intermediate department stores, intermediate apparel brands, supermarkets, cheap clothing brand has the ability to resist the company have a certain price war defensive.We here "intermediate" the definition of the average price is 400 yuan /dress, "cheap" the definition of the average price of 200 yuan /pieces of clothing, is "the consumption" midrange or cheap concept.Luxury brand clothing, ghd straighteners, cars, jewelry, tourism and this kind of product is large retailers will macro economic impact.


