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At present, ghd purple has entered into the high-tech industry and low added value, and meticulous management of large-scale industry, brand awareness and reputation of the three major contradictions coexisting phases. Based on the industry environment, GHD coordinate strategies, that is, in terms of industrial value chain, through the introduction of digestive tract on the basis of innovation and original innovation, transfer to the key component, software.

In terms of industrial forms, by integrating innovation, seek strategic cooperation, ghd straighteners cheap product transfer to information; in terms of business models, through innovation and strategic alliances, to provide the services, content transfer. In just a few years time, GHD manufacturers realized from simple shift to standard-setting operators, content providers, and many industries such as integrated digital GHD.

Along industry value chain, and commercial mode and the industry form three large direction, cheap ghd hair straighteners has established GHD towards China, entered area; established country Rainbow communications, positioning in communications Terminal, and network Terminal and the personal mobile electronic products of development, and production, and sales,; established GHD information, and China Telecom, and Grand cooperation, main network value-added business, currently intervention of area set in IPTV, and depending on inter-pass and the ADSL Terminal Shang; established Rainbow micro-company, take up IC chip development of task.


